§ 59-13-206. Distributor requirements -- Reports and statements to be furnished to the commission -- Contents of statements -- Statement to be signed -- Penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Every distributor of motor fuel shall render to the commission, on or before the last day of each month, the following statements on forms prescribed by the commission:
    (a) the number of gallons of motor fuel sold, used, or received for sale or use by the distributor during the preceding calendar month;
    (b) an itemized account of the date and quantities of motor fuel sold, used, or received for sale or use, stating separately the sales made in interstate commerce and those made in broken packages; and
    (c) any other information incidental to the enforcing of this part which the commission may require.
    (2) The statement shall be signed by a responsible representative of the distributor. This signature need not be notarized, but when signed is considered to have been made under oath. Bills shall be rendered to all purchasers of motor fuel by distributors.
    (3) A penalty for failure to file the statement required by Subsection (1) shall be as provided under Section 59-1-401.
Enacted by Chapter 6, 1987 General Session